Friday, January 11, 2013

Astral Projection

This is a blog post for the Pagan Blog Project. I am one week late, but I will still try it!

Astral projection refers to an OBE (Out of Body Experience). It is when your soul/spirit leaves your body and travels elsewhere. The feelings associated can be varied depending on the person. Some people report a floating feeling, while others feel just the same as in a physical body.

I am not able to leave my body fully, though I know people that have left their body. They report being able to see any site they wish, being able to visit any person alive or dead. While I cant give you much information, I can give you links.

And you can do your own research as well! Remember, read many sources and form your own unique opinion.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I have mentioned before how people can control the energy around them. Pulling, pushing, manipulating. One way to stop these people from using your energy is to shield from them.

I recommend starting with the grounding, centering, and making a circle. This will help you stay tapped to your energy. There are several ways to picture and achieve a shield. One way is to think of your natural energy core growing to surround you. Big enough to form a bubble around your person. Some people prefer to think of this bubble as reflective ball. This way, any negative energy is bounced back to the sender. My favorites are slightly different.

I am a very sensitive person. I am empathetic, and have a pretty good sense of perception. I can tell when someone is behind me with no input. I just feel them there. The problem I have with the reflective shield is that it sometimes doesn't let anything through. I cant feel peoples emotions like im used to, and I cant feel people around me. I prefer the idea that my shield will only let some energy through. Imagine it like a tinted window. Some light gets in, but not all of it. The good energy is let through, but not the harmful energy.

One shield I tried a while back was a little too complicated for me, but explains my thinking. I have a necklace that I wear every day, and decided that I wanted to use that to help me. When I noticed it was low, I would lock energy into it. The energy would form a ball above my head and flow over me, like water. If the energy directed at me was positive (pictured in my head as a blue), it would flow through the water, unharmed. But if it was negative (red), the flowing energy would trap it, make it flow down into the ground. Any of my shield energy that was not contaminated was just recycled to the ball above my head, to be used again.

This touches on another topic, maintaining. While I have knowledge of how to shield, and have done it before, my problem is maintaining the shield. My shields are used in emergencies, when I feel the meddling. I can flash up a bubble in an instant to protect myself, but it disappears as soon as it is thought unnecessary. One way to help this is to find a way to renew the energy for the shield. It will drain you dry if you set it to take from you.

I hope this helps someone! If you think of anything to add, please add a comment below. I would love it, and it would help more people.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Energy is a force that connects us all. It is what binds us together in this chaotic world. Some people can manipulate this energy. This seems scary, and it can be. But, you can learn to defend yourself! But first, you need to learn a few skills.


Grounding is connecting to the Earth to keep yourself stable. Some exchange energy with the Earth, while others just use her for stability. One way to visualize grounding is to reach out to the nearest section of Earth with your energy and root like a plant. This will keep you stable while you do any other work with your energy.


Centering is, well, finding your center. You can imagine the 'positive' energy, the 'happy' emotions as Tin. It has a low density and not much weight. 'Negative' energy can be considered Lead. It is dense and heavy. Finding your center is finding where on the spectrum your balance between the two are. This will help you focus on whatever you wish to be doing.

Building a Circle

A circle is your boundary for your energy. You can make this impassable (though that gets really annoying for cats, who just dont listen), or you can make it open. It is just you and whoever you wish in the circle. While some see these tasks as unnecessary, they can improve your focus and abilities a lot.


Hello all. I know this page has been sitting with no content for quite some time, but I just dont know how to start. I guess ill start with an introduction to me.

My chosen name for this blog is Arethon. I have been working with energy for over four years, though when I discovered it, I had no idea what I was getting into. I identify as a Pagan, though I show most characteristics of Wicca. This past year, I have branched out to find more people with my beliefs. I have found friends, and even a mentor. I also refer to him as Twin.We show many similar characteristics that are very similar to each other, and can finish each others sentences. He has also been working with energy for years.

Enough about me though. This blog is supposed to be for you. A place for you to find information, a place for you to find support. Remember, you are special, and anything is possible when you try hard and long enough.

Disclaimer: Nothing I say is law. These are my opinions, not necessarily what you have to believe.